What To Expect

New Patients

If you have any questions with the new patient process, insurance, or pricing, please call the office at (574) 291-1000.

Initial Appointment

All new patients are required to fill out the patient intake form. This form may be filled
out online to save time at the initial appointment. It is important to note that Chiropractic Health Center is NOT in network with any insurance plans. We only file claims with traditional Medicare. Payment is required in full at the time that services are rendered.

The initial appointment is typically an hour long, one-on-one consultation.

Our comprehensive chiropractic evaluation provides us with the status of your overall
health, identifies any causes for concern, and properly addresses your needs.

During the evaluation process, the doctor will determine if x-rays will be required. X-rays
are an important component of the examination process. Full-spine digital x-rays provide an accurate postural analysis that may display areas of concern that are not chief complaints.

It is important to note that an adjustment may not be provided at the initial
appointment. It is imperative to allow the doctor time to evaluate all information gathered in
order to provide a customized care plan.

Report of Findings Appointment

The report of findings appointment is typically a half hour long appointment scheduled the following work day of your initial visit.

This appointment allows the doctor to discuss all the findings from the initial appointment and provide a customized care plan.

It is at this appointment that you can expect your first adjustment.