There is no effect without a cause.
Chiropractors adjust causes.
Others treat effects.

Chiropractic Techniques


Looking at the whole person and searching for the source of our patient’s pain or discomfort by examining spinal misalignments, nerve dysfunction, foundational imbalance, and motion disturbances. Adjustments then help restore natural spinal alignment and optimal movement.


By placing pressure manually through an affected vertebral segment in order to restore proper movement.

Palmer Package

Techniques taught at the Palmer College of Chiropractic which provides a set of tools that are used to help just about any spinal problem.

Thompson Technique

A technique of analysis and a way to minimize the energy needed to adjust the spine.

Medicine: the study of disease and what causes man to die.
Chiropractic: the study of health and what causes man to live.

C.S. Gonstead, DC

The chiropractors are able to feel exactly where subluxations are located, confirm their findings with digital X-rays, apply the appropriate amount of force, and actually feel the movement of the vertebrae or joint. Adjustments are very specific and adjusted to meet your individual needs.

The best immune system is in the body, not in the lab.

C.S. Gonstead, DC

The following are the five areas that the chiropractors utilize for analysis. 

  1. Digital X-Rays: Essential full-spine digital x-rays are used to provide an accurate postural analysis, displaying problems other than chief complaints. 
  2. Motion Palpation: This ‘hands-on’ technique precisely pinpoints problematic areas and is used to determine fixations and their range of motion.
  3. Static Palpation: Using light touch to identify chronic versus acute areas as well as minute changes in the tissue and muscles.
  4. Visualization: A visual analysis of the body formation, posture, structure and gait.
  5. Case Management: Chiropractic Health Center uses a proven system that specializes in finding the underlying cause to develop a road map for corrective care and to maintain both structure and function of the spine and nervous system.
Foot Levelers

At Chiropractic Health Center, we are able to assess the need for Foot Levelers custom orthotics. We can then measure using the Foot Levelers foot scanner and order the orthotics directly from our office. Come in today to see how we can help you with your Foot Leveler needs.